User Guide

In order to use Kirby, you will need several services running. The web interface is the only component that needs access to the database.

Kirby managed services

  • the kirby web UI, to configure your Kirby cluster

  • at least one kirby supervisor to trigger jobs and execute them


We recommend using your operating system process supervisor such as systemd to run kirby.


provide systemd templates

Supporting services

  • a Kafka cluster (required by all kirby services)

  • a database server (required for the kirby web UI)


Running both services on the same machine is fine for development

Installing Kirby

$ pip install -U kirby

Running the web interface

$ kirby web [--host] [--port 8080]


We recommend you not to expose the web service directly on the Internet, but to use a reverse proxy such as Nginx or HAProxy

Adding a superuser

If you want to add a local user (so not using external user provisioning like LDAP or Okta), you can use the following command on the web UI server

$ kirby demo
demo data inserted in the database

Demonstration database

If you just want a quick preview of Kirby’s features, you can summon the demo database as follows:


Please only use on an empty database, it will mess with your existing data and there is no rollback mechanism.

$ kirby adduser alice
Password: ******
Give admin rights? [y/N]: y
User alice added with admin rights

Running the supervisor


  • There must be at least one supervisor instance running at all times.

  • Each supervisor must have a unique name

If you want to call your instance “server-1” then start kirby as follows:

$ kirby supervisor server-1 [--window 5] [--wakeup 30]
  • window is the frequency at which the supervisor tries to elect itself as the cluster leader. Use longer interval if your network is too noisy and you do not have scheduled jobs.

  • wakeup is the shortest interval between two scheduled jobs. Use longer interval if your network is limited and you do not have scheduled jobs or if the intervals are very long.


Defaults are fine in most cases.